Never, ever, read the comments on an online article. Ever. They will always tear your faith in humanity into little tiny shreds.
Sadly, your friends’ weddings will not make you feel better about being single.
Less surprisingly, nor will Facebook stalking your colleagues of the opposite gender.
Never assume in a large project, particularly one which requires substantial involvement and goodwill from others or which is based in so volatile a sphere as performing arts, that the worst of the work is over and the slope gets shallower from here on.
It is only possible to keep going on caffeine, inadequate sleep and emotional quick fixes for so long.
If you start something up, the odds of anyone else really taking an equal share of running it, practically or creatively, are slim, regardless of how objectively well placed you are to do it yourself.
Watching bad telly is still easier and more relaxing than reading intellectual books.
Going to bed early is easier than getting to sleep quickly.
How music responds to sustained practice is almost as enigmatic as how cream changes with continued whipping.